
I'm Tunrie, welcome to my blog! Join me as I share my love for all things law, art, writing, and my faith too! Welcome to my world! 

New Cafe Spot! - TY Soho

New Cafe Spot! - TY Soho

For the longest time, I swore Joe and the Juice was my favourite coffee shop, and that no other place could take its spot. In fact, my brother teases me that I’m the Joe and the Juice Brand ambassador lol! because I go there so often! You can read my post on Joe and the Juice here.



                                                                                A Juicer at Joe and the Juice

With Joe and the Juice, it is the air, the atmosphere, the quaintness, the music, everything there gets me. It’s the perfect creative space to work in.

But a good friend of mine, Joel recently recommended TY Soho, he swore that I’d love it and He was right!


Summer is gradually coming to an end, and that means only one thing- I’m currently curating all my experiences over the past year and the summer -and of course I'd be sharing some of those experiences here, so look out for my posts on what I’ve been up to!

So yesterday I decided to visit TY Soho to do some blogging. I wanted a nice creative work-space with the same quaintness I was used to and I found just that.

From the moment I walked in, the entire café was filled with creatives with their laptops all working on something. They had the most comfy and colourful couches. There were also more studious wooden chairs. But I’m currently in holiday mood, so of course I went for comfy. 


TY is actually short for Timberyard, which didn’t come as a surprise seeing as it is filled with a lot of wooden interior. They also had the most beautiful set of lights around the counter which I couldn't get enough of.


It was so busy during the day but I was able to get some pictures later in the day when the Café got quieter.


While I’m not really a huge coffee person, which is hard to explain lol seeing as I love Coffee Shops, but their Café Mocha was exquisite! 


They also had the best Avocado on toast!


This here is my blog journal, I jot down all my blog ideas here, definitely where the creating starts. I love journals! I actually have a separate journal for everything- one as a day planner, one for my goals and one as a diary.


One of the best creative workspaces I’ve been to, so it was no surprise that inspiration came to me so quickly and I actually got a lot of writing done.

And of course, I took a selfie break ;)


I looked them up when I got home and I realised that they have won awards like London’s Best Coffee Shop for Out-Of-Office Workers, Best Independent Coffee Shop in Europe and Best Coffee Experience, which didn’t come as a surprise at all! Their website says “Timberyard attracts many varied visitors from start-ups, freelancers and entrepreneurs, to writers, developers & media folk, and of course a huge array of coffee lovers.  We provide a place to come together, drink great coffee, connect, collaborate and create” and they are just right, especially about the last word.


TY Soho is such an innovative and vibrant creative hub, right in the heart of London and I will definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a creative workspace in London.

Now I can’t pick between TY Soho and Joe and the Juice. Help!


Tunrie xx

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The British Museum

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